- $199
- 220
- Logo Name:
- DTB (Daly Turner Brewing)
- Company Intro:
- DTB is a brewing company that brews botanical herbs. The herbs that we brew are for people 21 years and older. Our drinks are an alcohol alternative. Our drinks will help people with focus, energy, social well being, and help elevate pain. These drinks use kratom leaves that are made into a tea. Imagine a target audience who are: Veterans People who deal with pain People looking an out to alcohol o People looking for a calming drink People looking for a social drink
- Instructions:
- The logo should be nostalgic and have an old feel to it. It should have a picture of the starship from space x in the midst of taking off or not. This specific drink has green kratom in it. It also is in a root beer soda form. We would like the drink flavor to be at the top and the company name at the bottom of the logo. We would like to have DTB initials on the logo We want it to feel, when you drink this product, it will take you to a space of relaxation and a place of fun I needs to look tough, but soft at the same time This particular label is for our signature Root Beer flavor This is label is for a 12 oz can We want a rocket ( one that looks like the starship from soace x ) on the label, our company is from the space coast of Florida. The DTB is NOT the focus of this product.
Open design concept stage had ended with 220 submissions from 28 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.