HelpUBuy America

visited this project
10 years ago
Please visit my site at We are an exclusive buyer agency, which is a real estate company that only works with buyers. Basically, we keep home buyers from getting ripped off. I've been in business 17 years and my tag line is 'don't let them make a monkey out of you'. Instead of using a picture of myself like most realtors use, I use a picture of monkey. It's tongue in cheek but needs to look professional. I can't use the pictures of the monkeys that are on my site on business cards and stationary, so I need something that will look good on my existing site and on cards. UPDATE: I think I'm going to let go of the 'monkey in the house' idea. It's a little too cutely. I uploaded a monkey icon that I think would look good; the color can be changed. I'd really love to see the logo with a really interesting font. Also, no need to keep all the text horizontal but it's fine if it ends up that way.
  • Design Brief12 years ago
    Logo Name
    HelpUBuy America
    Company Intro
    Please visit my site at We are an exclusive buyer agency, which is a real estate company that only works with buyers. Basically, we keep home buyers from getting ripped off. I've been in business 17 years and my tag line is 'don't let them make a monkey out of you'. Instead of using a picture of myself like most realtors use, I use a picture of monkey. It's tongue in cheek but needs to look professional. I can't use the pictures of the monkeys that are on my site on business cards and stationary, so I need something that will look good on my existing site and on cards. UPDATE: I think I'm going to let go of the 'monkey in the house' idea. It's a little too cutely. I uploaded a monkey icon that I think would look good; the color can be changed. I'd really love to see the logo with a really interesting font. Also, no need to keep all the text horizontal but it's fine if it ends up that way.
    I'm looking for new fresh ideas. None of my ideas seem to work..
  • A
    Admin12 years ago
    Welcome to 48hoursLogo

    Here are some helpful tips to get the most out of your design project:

    1. Please leave feedback directly on the designs to guide the designers in the right direction
    2. Eliminate designs that you are “not interested”
    3. Please rate each design between 1 and 5 stars to help designers know your preference.

    We want you to get the best possible design for your business. Thank you for choosing
  • vicafo12 years ago
    Hi, please check your preferences, there is not icon
  • Design Concepts Completed12 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #21 by Ganyu is declared WINNER!12 years ago
    #21 by Ganyu
  • bluevirusee12 years ago

    grats migo...
  • H
    helpubuy12 years ago
    helpubuy just uploaded the following file:
    [ file_15082632_45.jpg ]
    Monkey pic for use on my business card. I may have to buy the higher resolution photo...just let me know and I'll send it to you.