Wide Sky Music

visited this project
10 years ago
Wide Sky Music is a boutique business which writes and produces mainly children's songs, jingles, and other fun interactive music.
  • Design Brief11 years ago
    Logo Name
    Wide Sky Music
    Company Intro
    Wide Sky Music is a boutique business which writes and produces mainly children's songs, jingles, and other fun interactive music.
    Something bright and cheerful. Although we specialise in kids' music we don't want to limit our target audience by making the logo too fun and childish, as we also write and produce mainstream music.
  • A
    Admin11 years ago
    Welcome to 48hoursLogo

    Here are some helpful tips to get the most out of your design project:

    1. Please leave feedback directly on the designs to guide the designers in the right direction
    2. Eliminate designs that you are “not interested”
    3. Please rate each design between 1 and 5 stars to help designers know your preference.

    We want you to get the best possible design for your business. Thank you for choosing 48HoursLogo.com
  • M
    m967910 years ago
    Thanks for all your great designs. I'm discussing these with my business partner and will let you know if we want any further revisions in the next day or so.
  • Design Concepts Completed10 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #12 by Rick is declared WINNER!10 years ago
    #12 by Rick