Team One.27

visited this project
2 years ago
This is a nonprofit organization that is helps serve god. The Name of the organization is based off the bible verse James 1:27 which talks about helping widows and orphans and our mission is mostly in Haiti working with orphanages.
  • Design Brief10 years ago
    Logo Name
    Team One.27
    Company Intro
    This is a nonprofit organization that is helps serve god. The Name of the organization is based off the bible verse James 1:27 which talks about helping widows and orphans and our mission is mostly in Haiti working with orphanages.
    I am looking for creative soft looking design that helps shows a soft caring feel that embraces helping children and orphans perhaps with a small child and an arm around them or a mother and child with a hand reaching out. I'm not sure if this is possible but wondered if having the silhouette of the country Haiti some how part of the logo but not necessary. We want something that will capture the love the organization is about and the giving. Very open to ideas and realize this may take some time to get all that in a simple like logo with the name of the business in it as well. I'm not looking for a full image of the pictures below but one idea would be to use a silhouette or something like that???

    Reference Samples

  • cweikel10 years ago
    I like the globe with the picture of Haiti where we mostly serve.
    I like the image of a woman and child with hands wrapping around them inside the globe
  • Design Concepts Completed10 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #53 by DDezignLogic is declared WINNER!10 years ago