Truckers Association of Nova Scotia

visited this project
10 years ago
Represents 500 truckers in Nova Scotia in dealing with government road work & construction. Want to upgrade look of current logo - more modern, professional, relevant. TANS is the acronym.
  • Design Brief10 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Truckers Association of Nova Scotia
    Company Intro:
    Represents 500 truckers in Nova Scotia in dealing with government road work & construction. Want to upgrade look of current logo - more modern, professional, relevant. TANS is the acronym.
    clear, simple, clean lines. no fancy fonts. Audience - males in transportation, trucking & construction industry. Can use other trucks such as a dump truck or cement truck. TANS is the acronym.
  • Design Concepts Completed10 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #23 by andriakew is declared WINNER!10 years ago
    #23 by andriakew
  • T
    tmacadam10 years ago
    Hi Andriakew,
    Going to work with design #2. Love the back of the business card - perfect no changes required. On front needs a few tweaks.
    1) Remove red bar at top
    2) Try transposing the bottom blue line to top and flip it to be mirror opposite.
    3) Need company address on card somewhere.
    4) Put the smartphone icon on the phone number 902.899.6591 and telephone icon on the 902.895.7447.
    5) Change font to something more buisnessy and not so futuristic looking.
    6) Do not put name in red.
    7) Take off orange border of bottom line. If needs another colour use the lighter blue of the NS flag crosses.
    8) I am curious what the stationary will look like from this design.
    Thank you, looking forward to next version.