- $150
- 1
- Logo Name:
- Box My Deal
- Company Intro:
- We manually search the best deals available on different e-commerce websites and provide only carefully selected & hand-picked deals to visitors and registered users. The deals/offers can be of any category - Electronics, Clothing, Food, Kitchen & Home, Travel Deals, Bills & Utilities Payment etc.
- Instructions:
- The final design should be simple and communicate that we provide hand-picked deals and offers. We should be able to use a shorter version (a part of this logo) in places where space is insufficient to display the complete logo. The logo is for a website and will primarily be used on web.
Reference Samples:
- BNone of the designs are impressive so far. I am sure the designers here can do a lot better.
Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.