- $120
- 1
- Logo Name:
- Company Intro:
- it is about triathlon outdoor race (swimming, biking / mountain bike, mountain running).
- Instructions:
- Be careful It is not a road classic triathlon, it is about nature/outdoor spirit! <br>It has also to be viewed as challenging races. I'd like to have a logo "pushy", "challenging" and great to see.<br><br>The project is to develop several races under the logo XTRI and to personnalize each races, for instance: XTRI Méditerrannée. As a consequence, I'd like a logo I can easily personnalize (colours, words just after XTRI...)<br><br>BE CAREFUL: I do not want a logo which look likes strongly to the brand XTERRA (I do not want to have legal problems), even if the theme and the spirit is quite similar...
Reference Samples:
Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.