- $129
- 1
- Logo Name:
- Cybertrack
- Company Intro:
- CYBERTRACKK Company's Vision<br><br>The objective is to become one of the world’s most innovative companies offering the cheapest tracking device’s in the mainstream market of the United States of America.<br>
- Instructions:
- We are the biggest satellite company in the world<br>We can track everything from cars, trucks, pets, kids<br>We are in US<br>We need a Logo for the company name(cybertrack), our website will be cybertrack18.com, We will create an app for android and iphone which will be easy to identify aside of the name of the company. This logo will represent the company and we will use for our web, app, and documents.<br>
Reference Samples:
- CHello guys, thanks so much for your nice designs,
- CPlease add Tracking Devices as part of the logo concept
Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.