
visited this project
8 years ago
A Craft beer "grab and go" growler filling service. People come in and purchase a 64 oz. glass growler bottle, and we fill it with their favorite local Craft beer. Everything is on Draft, people can bring their growlers back in for fill-up.
  • Design Brief8 years ago
    Logo Name
    Company Intro
    A Craft beer "grab and go" growler filling service. People come in and purchase a 64 oz. glass growler bottle, and we fill it with their favorite local Craft beer. Everything is on Draft, people can bring their growlers back in for fill-up.
    The idea we have in mind for our logo, would be our name Draft, with the letters D and t made into the shape of a Draft handle. And perhaps a line underlining Draft, to make it look like a Draft system. <br>We also want the phrase "a growler house" (actually in quotations) underneath Draft. It's part of our name but not the focal point.. more so our catchphrase. It might be cool to put the quotation marks right under the D and T pour spouts to look like a liquid is coming out of them, and then our phrase inside. <br>We like the idea of it looking like some kind of stamp logo/ uniform shape with some symmetry if possible. <br>

    Reference Samples

  • Cyds is selected as the contest finalist!8 years ago
  • MarkindDesign is selected as the contest finalist!8 years ago
  • daywalker is selected as the contest finalist!8 years ago
  • C
    Client432758 years ago
    Hello designers! Please refer to the image to see what we would like. We like all of the mock logos in the image, such as the beer cap border, the wheat leaves (since beer is made from wheat) the fonts and colors. Please mimic one of those and change our name.
    The name of our company has changed to:
    Growler Filling Co.

    Thank you so much!
  • C
    Client432758 years ago
    Please note that the new name for our company is "Growler Filling Co."
  • Design Concepts Completed8 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #35 by daywalker is declared WINNER!8 years ago
    #35 by daywalker