c2c Investment Group

visited this project
8 years ago
c2c Investment Group<br>reference both sites below:<br>https://c2cinvestmentgroup.com/<br>c2csportsfirm.com
Logo DesignBUDGETConsultingFeatured
  • Design Brief8 years ago
    Logo Name
    c2c Investment Group
    Company Intro
    c2c Investment Group<br>reference both sites below:<br>https://c2cinvestmentgroup.com/<br>c2csportsfirm.com
    Originally I had the c2c Sports Firm logo created, My business is now offering another service(currency trading) i want to some how implement the forex/currency and sports into an all-inclusive logo. the attached image is a concept.. i do the like original design and somehow want to include everything while still maintaining a professional look and appeal. i would like to use the attached images as a reference and want to include both the forex currency symbols as well as the sports icons. i want to keep the blue and green color scheme. like i said such want to incorporate the new forex related items into the original logo design. im open to mock ups and other ideas. also looking to keep the original circle with c2c and the money wrapped around. please provide a professional piece and i will be sure to consider you submission, best of luck and thank you

    Reference Samples

  • G
    gardnertd8 years ago

    edesigners is just invited to join this contest!

  • G
    gardnertd8 years ago

    krot278 is just invited to join this contest!

  • Design Concepts Completed8 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #28 by jaize is declared WINNER!8 years ago
    #28 by jaize