Hot & Heavy Racing

visited this project
8 years ago
We are a group of guys in our 30's that like to go out trail riding on dirt bikes and we call our group "Hot & Heavy Racing". We are just some friends that get together but thought it would be fun to get jerseys made up and thought it would be fun to have a logo for it. <br><br>We are just just a bunch of laid back family men that like to get out riding a couple times a month. Want the logo to be a bit fun but nothing explicit that would not be inappropriate in public or around our family.
  • Design Brief8 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Hot & Heavy Racing
    Company Intro:
    We are a group of guys in our 30's that like to go out trail riding on dirt bikes and we call our group "Hot & Heavy Racing". We are just some friends that get together but thought it would be fun to get jerseys made up and thought it would be fun to have a logo for it. <br><br>We are just just a bunch of laid back family men that like to get out riding a couple times a month. Want the logo to be a bit fun but nothing explicit that would not be inappropriate in public or around our family.
    We don't want anything with skulls, crossbones or anything sexual.<br><br>Maybe have a dirt bike with a rider not to fat but not totally in shape. With "Hot & Heavy Racing" in the logo.

    Reference Samples:

  • veron is selected as the contest finalist!8 years ago
  • karjen is selected as the contest finalist!8 years ago
  • PandaDesign is selected as the contest finalist!8 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed8 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #12 by veron is declared WINNER!8 years ago
    #12 by veron