- $150
- 1
- Logo Name:
- Eazy Buys
- Company Intro:
- Eazy Buys.com is a global online retail store , selling the hottest products and on trend innovations they sell worldwide - www.EazyBuys.com ,
- Instructions:
- the logo need to be simple , striking and easily recognized , i can be the words and a icon or symbol but needs to be able to displayed separately words and icon , ideally 2 colors . Eazy Buy is the fast simple secure way to INTERNET shop , your online department store we give you more
Reference Samples:
- Fcan you try with colors , tomato #ff6161 & #938d91
- F
Jhay is just invited to join this contest!
- F
prodesign is just invited to join this contest!
- F
DreamLogoDesign is just invited to join this contest!
- FOUR COLORS ARE web hex color #558692 & 1AC084 . And our font text font are ABEL , LATO , QUESTRIAL
- FNo shopping bag No shopping trolley No computer mouse Thanks
Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.