Grasshopper Homes Inc.

visited this project
7 years ago
Buy improve and resale homes. avg 200-400K
  • Design Brief7 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Grasshopper Homes Inc.
    Company Intro:
    Buy improve and resale homes. avg 200-400K
    Grasshopper mascot. Thought was standing by home or incorporate the two. plan to use mascot multiple ways. dressed as construction worker, Butler, scout. homeowner relaxing in the front yard. Realtor delivering keys

    Reference Samples:

  • C
    Client544267 years ago
    Off to a great start !! Ideas have been better than anticipated. I like the looks that incorporate the grasshopper and home the best so far. Fired up !!!
  • C
    Client544267 years ago
    As we get close to the end I want to thank everyone for all the hard work put into this project. You are a very talented group of designers and I would recommend your service.
  • C
    Client544267 years ago
    ok so I am leaning more to the simpler concepts that show the company name but still incorporate the grasshopper for support. Thanks and Good luck to all!!!
  • Design Concepts Completed7 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 79 submissions from 20 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #81 by veron
    #80 by vinve
    #76 by qonaah
    #71 by dshineart
    #69 by reight
    #66 by Gaze
    #64 by PiceFlia
    #62 by LucidSketch
    #60 by DreamLogoDesign
    #50 by AYATA
    #49 by shere
    #32 by bougalla005
    #25 by afra_art
    #24 by samueljho
    #23 by bismillah
    #22 by uttam
    #21 by Franky.
    #11 by Roma
    #8 by jetzu
    #1 by bricton
    ALL 79 Designs >
  • vinve is selected as the contest finalist!7 years ago
  • Design #78 by vinve is declared WINNER!7 years ago
    #78 by vinve
  • Client purchase design #46 from veron7 years ago
    #46 by veron
  • Client purchase design #18 from Franky.7 years ago
    #18 by Franky.
  • C
    Client544267 years ago

    $10 participation tip awarded to #18 by VANHOUTENN_DESIGN

  • C
    Client544267 years ago

    $10 participation tip awarded to #46 by veron

  • C
    Client544267 years ago

    $10 participation tip awarded to #78 by vinve