Kaagapay Pawnshop

visited this project
7 years ago
Offers pawn lending, money payment, and remittance services to clients. We accept jewellery, electronic gadgets, and official registration certificates of motor vehicles as collateral.
  • Design Brief7 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Kaagapay Pawnshop
    Company Intro:
    Offers pawn lending, money payment, and remittance services to clients. We accept jewellery, electronic gadgets, and official registration certificates of motor vehicles as collateral.
    We would like a font-based logo, with minimal graphics other than the font itself. Unique and original font is preferable. The letter "K" in the word Kaagapay should be the logo. Also, we would like to build a brand that helps lives. Thus, a logo inside the letter K that integrates this symbol reflecting this aim (e.g. heart or holding hands) would be much appreciated. Color theme -open to explore any color combination of not more than 3 colors.
  • J0s3Ph is selected as the contest finalist!7 years ago
  • gipanuhotko is selected as the contest finalist!7 years ago
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    rob.dtorres057 years ago
    Please refer to the tip of the legs.
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    rob.dtorres057 years ago
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    rob.dtorres057 years ago
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    rob.dtorres057 years ago
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    rob.dtorres057 years ago
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    rob.dtorres057 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed7 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 93 submissions from 30 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #98 by J0s3Ph
    #77 by gipanuhotko
    #66 by intechnology
    #63 by akupamungkas
    #58 by kunejo
    #56 by daywalker
    #54 by jaize
    #49 by mykrograma
    #47 by agil
    #46 by STTHERESE
    #43 by EkoBooM
    #42 by cahyobragas
    #40 by Diponegoro_
    #39 by shadowfax
    #38 by josephope
    #34 by shere
    #28 by bluespix
    #24 by dondeekenz
    #22 by SOLARFLARE
    #19 by PRN123
    #17 by kgcreative
    #16 by duahari
    #11 by fillintheblack
    #10 by johana
    #9 by Kkingfisher
    #7 by bricton
    #6 by shravya
    #5 by mckris
    #3 by BintangDesign
    #2 by hidro
    ALL 93 Designs >
  • Design #96 by J0s3Ph is declared WINNER!7 years ago
    #96 by J0s3Ph