- $198
- 220
- Logo Name:
- Spatialitics
- Company Intro:
- Spatially enabled business applications
- Instructions:
- Spatialitics is about improving the value of business applications using geographic visualization (mapping), location based services and spatial analytics. Not just connecting the dots on a map, but making sense of the dots. Enhancing and improving the generation of actionable intelligence for business operations
Reference Samples:
- RDesigners... Please go out to GeoShield.com, GeoShield is one of our Spatialitics products... Click on "About GeoShield" and scroll down to Advanced Spatial Analytics... I appreciate your efforts but I'm looking for dynamics Silicon Valley style... Have fun!!!
- RDesigners our name is all lower case, please make this adjustment to the entries that I've not dismissed. Thanks!
- @racitslogo what kind of imagery would you say potrays spatialitics?
Open design concept stage had ended with 220 submissions from 72 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.