- $148
- 129
- Logo Name:
- Certificate Homes
- Company Intro:
- Residential Real Estate Sales
- Instructions:
- Seeking to create a logo in a circular or close to a circular format because my branding design for all my products: flyers, business card, brochures etc look like a certificate. I would like my logo to function as a certificate seal as seen in the examples below. See example of my old red flyer that I'm updating. Second image is a good example of the direction I'm heading. pointers when designing: -Keep certificate seal in mind: -Using the letters CH in a circular design -Using the words "certificate homes" in a circular style design -Try to incorporate images/prop of: house, frame of a house, door bell, door knocker, mailbox, -Color contrast variations desired if possible -The Southgate design above looks pretty good. Something in this arena should look nice. Please be creative and design something unique. I'd like something no one has if possible. Thank you!
Reference Samples:
Open design concept stage had ended with 129 submissions from 22 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.