we sell Mexican food, check our instagram page culichitownmodesto for ideas of company logo. we need an instrument on the logo. the logo is four our house live band (but is not rock its Mexican corridos) NEED TO ADD A "TUBA" as the instrument
we sell Mexican food, check our instagram page culichitownmodesto for ideas of company logo. we need an instrument on the logo. the logo is four our house live band (but is not rock its Mexican corridos) NEED TO ADD A "TUBA" as the instrument
LOGO NEEDS TO SAY "BANDA CHINOLA" PLEASE ALSO ADD A RED TOMATE as the logo shown But we are also thinking about the name BANDA LA "TOMATERA" so if you could do the same design but both names, will be better. Only colors accepted are gold and black red and white.
Client566027 years ago
Client566027 years ago
Hi, I need to change the info a bit, I need a red tomato on the logo, ,that new instrument "tuba" instead of guitar,
Client566027 years ago
Also on the name Just put Banda Chinola.
Client566027 years ago
Here is an example of something we are looking for, but better.
Contest relisted with guarantied prize of $148!7 years ago
Design Concepts Completed7 years ago
Open design concept stage had ended with 83 submissions from 26 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.