District 9

visited this project
4 years ago
Logo Name District 9 https://www.facebook.com/district9bistro Business Brief We are intended to grow this brand into Food and Beverage (F&B) as food chain / Franchisee. Industry. Going towards ratio Beverage 60% Beverage / 30% Meal / 10% snack and desert. We have a series of nice and colourful beverage that represent a happiness and young energy. Please find attached our series of drinks. Our targeted group is young and have higher spending power. Thus what they want is something modern, and fun. So that people can easily remember and recognize us. Ideas & Concepts Food & Beverage Industry I would like to create an iconic characteristic to be in the logo. The characteristic can be cute or cartoonized that looks good on a website, Facebook page, or T-shirt. The Wording District 9 and its’ logo must be able to show that we are in F&B industry, can have plate, fork, spoon, knife, glasses, cup etc accessories to be created into the wording ”District9” or the Characteristic Logo itself. our shop theme is more on greenery, eco, relaxing (as attached photo). Balloon and bubble is one of them that represent dream. Thus, the logo best to be cleaned,3 type of color maximum, the logo 1-2 color, Wording “District 9“ another color. Slogan of “ Full of Food & Beverage” shall be included under the logo Thank you for your participation. I hope to see some more submissions that meet the guidelines.