- $129
- 99
- Logo Name:
- Intaj Research and Development
- Company Intro:
- Intaj is a fabrication Lab intending to provide tools and resources for inventors and innovators to prototype their ideas and produce a working prototype. "Intaj" is an arabic word meaning "Production". this is our vision, to produce innovations and inventions and take them to the next level. our facility will include machines and tools for fabricating wood, metal, plastics... etc. and electronic devices and components. we will also provide a network of knowledge in various fields to help inventors overcome difficulties and build their skills.
- Instructions:
- requriement: we are looking for a simple and creative logo that can print in black and white and be used as a trade mark. meaning of your logo: please explain your logo and you are welcome to participate with different variations of text and symbol logo. priority will be given to simple logos, that might include text with a hidden message you may use "Intaj R&D" as the text of the logo, or just use "Intaj" or "INTAJ" we are open to new ideas as long as they are explained . background: we prefer transparent background to offer us flexibility in printing and laying it over colored backgrounds. colors: explain your color selection and what it represents. we prefer a color that emphasizes youth, enthusiasm and innovation. originality: the logo should not copy any existing logos, it should be unique and original.
- Dear Designers, please be creative and try not to copy other designers ideas, even though we rank it high but don't let it limit your creativity
- please don't try iterations of same concept. iterations can be presented in later stage
- don' give great importance to the R&D concentrate your efforts on INTAJ
- hint: we target inventors, innovators, young minds and creativity. we think outside of the box. we support bright ideas and provide practical solutions to complex problems. our solutions are the simplest and most innovative.
Open design concept stage had ended with 99 submissions from 25 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.
- to all designers, appreciate your participation. the decision was a group decision though you have contributed with great concepts. all the best to all of you