- $148
- 188
- Logo Name:
- Candlelight Sports
- Company Intro:
- We are a co-ed multi-sport youth sports program. We started out as just soccer, but have grown into offering basketball, flag football, soccer, baseball, volleyball and golf. The ages of our youth are 4-12 years old. Our brand is not pretentious, snobbish or stuck-up. We focus on families and providing a family-friendly opportunity for kids to play sports.
- Instructions:
- We have an existing logo. I'll share all of it's variations through the years. It first started with the soccer player silhouette, then we changed to the shield logo (still only soccer), then we got rid of the soccer ball when we changed to multi-sport. I'd like the new logo to be similar so we don't have to start over with the branding. We'd like to see the final logo possibly incorporate the following elements: - Similar to our last logo to take advantage of existing brand recognition - Co-ed (I've had the idea of having the silhouette of both a girl and a boy athlete) - I like the shield, but may be open to returning to a circular logo so that it could display better on a hat or smaller logo placement - Simplifying the logo is important to us - Somehow make the logo take on a multi-sport look with influences from the other sports (however, this could make the logo too complicated and busy) - I like the idea of having the logo play on the image of "Candlelight" That the kids are playing by candlelight or the biblical reference of not putting your candle under a bushel but on a candlestick. I've included a logo that gives an idea of what may be done with a silhouette of children playing.
Reference Samples:
- CI'm excited to see the creative designs you all come up with! I'll be as responsive as possible to give good feedback.
- CColors: We are happy to keep the simple all black logo. Some shading could be used. We may also entertain a red, blue and/or black design. Two colors could make the "Candlelight" pop better.
- CHere is our website if you want to take a look: http://www.candlelightsports.com/
- CI'd like to keep the new logo similar to the last one to maintain brand recognition.
- CConsider having the children's figure silhouettes make you feel nostalgia for childhood.
- CI am impressed with everyone's work. Look at this image of the Pepsi logo historical progression for ideas on how to preserve brand recognition. I have that same vision for preserving our brand recognition. : https://www.google.com/search?q=pepsi brand logo history&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiXiYypx9PbAhUzCDQIHb-TArYQ_AUICigB&biw=1865&bih=915#imgrc=m5ZlpGFadKrqwM: Please do what you can to preserve much of our current brand recognition while following the guidelines in listed in the project.
Open design concept stage had ended with 188 submissions from 14 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.