
visited this project
7 years ago
Nigist Movement is an organization dedicated to the overall growth of women through all walk of life. Woman are capable of achieving anything while revitalizing their greatness. Nigist movement encourages women to expand their horizons to new degrees of success. Nigist Movement is here to provide that support and encouragement, whether it be through networking events, financial workshops, or even a night out with other NIGIST's to share experiences.
  • Design Brief7 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Company Intro:
    Nigist Movement is an organization dedicated to the overall growth of women through all walk of life. Woman are capable of achieving anything while revitalizing their greatness. Nigist movement encourages women to expand their horizons to new degrees of success. Nigist Movement is here to provide that support and encouragement, whether it be through networking events, financial workshops, or even a night out with other NIGIST's to share experiences.
    The word "Nigist" is the amharic word for queen; a woman who excels and achieves the highest pinnacles of success I have attached our previous logo to this as a sample. However we feel that the logo does not represent us well. We are also removing the word Movement in the logo name.

    Reference Samples:

  • karjen is selected as the contest finalist!7 years ago
  • akilis13 is selected as the contest finalist!7 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed7 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 45 submissions from 18 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #47 by akilis13
    #41 by jaize
    #40 by firstmove
    #38 by schiena
    #36 by Roma
    #34 by sanworks
    #30 by josephope
    #24 by LogoInvent
    #21 by spiritz
    #20 by fantastic4
    #19 by ingepro
    #14 by MarkindDesign
    #13 by JoeShepherd
    #12 by megalogos
    #10 by YONK
    #7 by Louseven
    #5 by shravya
    #2 by dhika
    ALL 45 Designs >
  • Design #3 by akilis13 is declared WINNER!7 years ago
    #3 by akilis13