22 in 22 or 22km in 22 days or 22/22

visited this project
6 years ago
We need a logo designed for a good cause. We are raising money for ex-service men and women who have suffered or are suffering from military related PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Every day an average of 22 ex-military take their own life as a result of PTSD and we’re determined to make a difference. I came close to being one of these statistics so I am determined to help others, as others helped me get through it. Each year we will be running an event called ’22 in 22’ which stands for 22km in 22 days. In other words, we will be running 22km each day for 22 days to raise awareness of PTSD and raise money for this cause. We need a ’22 in 22’ logo designing that represents this good cause. We look forward to receiving your best work on this project and helping us to help make a difference in the world to those brave men and women who have suffered to protect us.
  • Design Brief7 years ago
    Logo Name
    22 in 22 or 22km in 22 days or 22/22
    Company Intro
    We need a logo designed for a good cause. We are raising money for ex-service men and women who have suffered or are suffering from military related PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Every day an average of 22 ex-military take their own life as a result of PTSD and we’re determined to make a difference. I came close to being one of these statistics so I am determined to help others, as others helped me get through it. Each year we will be running an event called ’22 in 22’ which stands for 22km in 22 days. In other words, we will be running 22km each day for 22 days to raise awareness of PTSD and raise money for this cause. We need a ’22 in 22’ logo designing that represents this good cause. We look forward to receiving your best work on this project and helping us to help make a difference in the world to those brave men and women who have suffered to protect us.
    I have attached a logo of a charity that raises money for a similar cause

    Reference Samples

  • torresace is selected as the contest finalist!7 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed7 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 28 submissions from 11 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #32 by torresace
    #30 by dondeekenz
    #28 by schiena
    #25 by litera
    #18 by jaize
    #16 by J0s3Ph
    #11 by not2shabby
    #10 by Kruger
    #9 by dewipadi
    #5 by rief
    #3 by hopee
    ALL 28 Designs >
  • Design #31 by torresace is declared WINNER!7 years ago
    #31 by torresace
  • Client purchase design #32 from torresace7 years ago
    #32 by torresace