The Parish

visited this project
7 years ago
Founded in 1960, we are a Denver-based grassroots human services nonprofit that supports people in need with dignity, respect, accountability, and empowerment. We're currently called "Denver Inner City Parish" but we're in the process of rebranding to be simply "The Parish." In the work that we do, we interrupt and prevent gang violence through youth programs, fight hunger by providing thousands of nutritious meals each month for families facing food insecurity, and we aim to reduce recidivism by helping ex-felons re-enter society.
  • Design Brief7 years ago
    Logo Name:
    The Parish
    Company Intro:
    Founded in 1960, we are a Denver-based grassroots human services nonprofit that supports people in need with dignity, respect, accountability, and empowerment. We're currently called "Denver Inner City Parish" but we're in the process of rebranding to be simply "The Parish." In the work that we do, we interrupt and prevent gang violence through youth programs, fight hunger by providing thousands of nutritious meals each month for families facing food insecurity, and we aim to reduce recidivism by helping ex-felons re-enter society.
    We'd like a logo that uses our new name "The Parish" along with our brand colors (attached). We'd like the logo to incorporate a brand mark of a butterfly. I've attached a rough sketch for inspiration. The butterfly is an important symbol for our organization because it symbolizes transformation and we are in the business of empowering people transform their lives. Additionally, we are located on Mariposa St, which means "butterfly" in Spanish. As indicated by the sample logos, we're going for something that is simple, clean, flat, modern, and versatile. If possible, we would also like the brand FONT to be a font that is freely available for use (not something we'd have to license).

    Reference Samples:

  • Design Concepts Completed7 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 24 submissions from 6 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #8 by akilis13 is declared WINNER!7 years ago
    #8 by akilis13