TM Water Services

visited this project
7 years ago
Check out the website, please. We provide technical advice and operational support to customers for implementing water-efficient systems. We help clients to achieve environmental compliance while optimising their asset. We focus on wastewater treatment plants.
  • Design Brief7 years ago
    Logo Name:
    TM Water Services
    Company Intro:
    Check out the website, please. We provide technical advice and operational support to customers for implementing water-efficient systems. We help clients to achieve environmental compliance while optimising their asset. We focus on wastewater treatment plants.
    The company name is TM Water Services. Would we be happy to trade under TM Water our domain is Any suggestions? The tagline is: "We care for your water" The tagline doesn t necessarily have to be in the logo. The geometry of the logo will be based on the picture. Please see the picture attached. It can be 2D or 3D I leave it to you. We have selected this image as a geometrical base as it represents for us the cooperative relationship between entities, the water molecule, it looks scientific and I personally like the sacred geometry :) We are doing this job because we love the water and the reward of seeing the benefic environmental impact of our work. The tagline is: We care for your water We don t really need to put the tagline in the logo. It might sound weird as we have the word water already in the name of the company. If you have any suggestions please go ahead. Few keywords for the design: Water, Modern, scientific, clean, transparent, efficient, easy, fresh, innovative, prosperous. Please use the colours of your creativity.

    Reference Samples:

  • C
    Client579527 years ago
    Hi, Thanks for that. So far the ones that match the most with our liking is #41, #43, #7. We would like the geometrical form to be symmetrical please the circle of the same size like design#7 the style a bit thinner like design #43. The T in the centre of the geometry amd M as part of the bond is good. Looking forward to see the final results :)
  • agus is selected as the contest finalist!7 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed7 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 103 submissions from 44 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #104 by agus
    #97 by mutafailan
    #93 by bezalel
    #92 by kunejo
    #91 by shikuru
    #90 by LogOExperT
    #89 by Akli
    #88 by giphone
    #86 by jaize
    #85 by Greenlight
    #84 by tec343
    #81 by ElonStark
    #80 by Suvendu
    #78 by cikiyunn
    #76 by b3no
    #75 by AisRafa
    #74 by eagerly
    #70 by ArRizqu
    #68 by ndaru
    #67 by mhala
    #63 by goblin
    #62 by checx
    #61 by luckyprasetyo
    #58 by manu.kollam
    #56 by nurul_rizkon
    #54 by SteveQ
    #51 by tukangngaret
    #46 by YONK
    #45 by XolBurn
    #43 by Asani Chie
    #40 by serprimero
    #39 by ohtani15
    #37 by SmartTaste
    #35 by scolessi
    #34 by czars
    #33 by jetzu
    #26 by dewipadi
    #25 by done
    #22 by ARALE
    #20 by corneldesign77
    #10 by BlessedArt
    #7 by nexgen
    #6 by akilis13
    #1 by hidro
    ALL 103 Designs >
  • Design #103 by agus is declared WINNER!7 years ago
    #103 by agus