
visited this project
7 years ago
Kndrd is play on "Kindred" meaning similar or like minded. We will launch as and are a property management system (PMS) and directory helping CoLiving operators better attract and service their global citizen guests. While there are other software platforms which generally serve vacation rentals, we specialize in CoLiving. Attached is colors, as for typography we will use Helvetica for the Header and body text and are considering "Dopestyle" ( or similar for the accent and logo. WE ARE OPEN TO OTHER TYPOGRAPHY Attached is also a first pass at a logo, an idea would be to include a roof, other items could include a calendar, stay away from over used symbols such as a globe.
  • Design Brief7 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Company Intro:
    Kndrd is play on "Kindred" meaning similar or like minded. We will launch as and are a property management system (PMS) and directory helping CoLiving operators better attract and service their global citizen guests. While there are other software platforms which generally serve vacation rentals, we specialize in CoLiving. Attached is colors, as for typography we will use Helvetica for the Header and body text and are considering "Dopestyle" ( or similar for the accent and logo. WE ARE OPEN TO OTHER TYPOGRAPHY Attached is also a first pass at a logo, an idea would be to include a roof, other items could include a calendar, stay away from over used symbols such as a globe.
    1. It should be very clean, polished and convey simply our offering and brand positioning 2. It should work as an icon or have an element that can be extracted that works well as an icon 3. It should be recognizable as a single color 4. It should be recognizable when scaled down very small 5. It should NOT have any clip art or stock graphics 6. It should NOT have an icon over text, it should be combined together and feel custom/natural Thank you in advance for your creativity! This is my 18th contest on 48 hours logo and as always I will be awarding bonuses for creativity! Have fun and lets do this!!

    Reference Samples:

  • bertholf7 years ago
    If there is a way to make a Calendar also look like a House, that would be awesome!!
  • hidro is selected as the contest finalist!7 years ago
  • CreativeKiller is selected as the contest finalist!7 years ago
  • Suvendu is selected as the contest finalist!7 years ago
  • hidro7 years ago
    Any news sir? Thank you
  • Design Concepts Completed7 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 137 submissions from 36 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #138 by CreativeKiller
    #127 by xteel
    #126 by Greenlight
    #121 by giphone
    #119 by akhi
    #114 by nona
    #108 by YONK
    #106 by bougalla005
    #105 by jaize
    #104 by BeDesign
    #103 by Franky.
    #93 by czars
    #92 by Marianne
    #88 by Eliben
    #87 by pionsign
    #83 by goblin
    #78 by sitizen
    #77 by hidro
    #73 by pakNton
    #72 by ingepro
    #65 by blessings
    #64 by Suvendu
    #62 by Susanti
    #60 by ohtani15
    #58 by huma
    #56 by Kewin
    #53 by asyqh
    #52 by nexgen
    #46 by evdesign
    #36 by oke2angconcept
    #31 by Inlogoz
    #17 by Drago
    #14 by Shina
    #12 by Landung
    #11 by dewipadi
    #6 by rief
    ALL 137 Designs >
  • Design #134 by CreativeKiller is declared WINNER!7 years ago
  • bertholf7 years ago

    $5 participation tip awarded to #63 by Suvendu

  • bertholf7 years ago

    $10 participation tip awarded to #2 by hidro

  • bertholf7 years ago

    $5 participation tip awarded to #107 by yonk

  • Client purchase design #94 from CreativeKiller7 years ago