- $198
- 174
- Logo Name:
- Company Intro:
- Freedom Heart is a total artificial heart completely embedded within the human body to be used when a natural donor heart is not available. More info on www.freedomheart.com
- Instructions:
- The parent company is CALIFORNIA CARDIAC SOLUTIONS which has it's own logo.see attachment we need a separate and identifiable logo for the product
Reference Samples:
- Cplease add the words EXTEND LIFE to the logo in smaller lettering but under the logo. thanks
- Cruki Can you send another image of # 163 without the heartbeat, for comparison. Thank you, Peter
Open design concept stage had ended with 174 submissions from 48 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.
- Cruki, Great job. Our heart transplant surgeon felt the EKG was overdone in the media and liked the clean lines of # 167. Congratulations. Peter