
visited this project
3 years ago
Noblemen is a Biblical Manhood Course for college students
  • Design Brief6 years ago
    Logo Nameļ¼š
    Company Introļ¼š
    Noblemen is a Biblical Manhood Course for college students
    We need a new logo! Feel free to take this in whatever direction you'd like. We have no preference of colors. Though the course is called Noblemen and we do use some concepts from antiquity, we do not want our logo to have a medieval feel. Though the course is based in the Bible, we don't want it to have a religious feel to it (ie. no crosses, lambs, doves, etc.) The letter "N" seems to be a difficult letter to make into a good logo so please don't feel a need to incorporate it. Our preference is that you can either create a unique recognizeable font or manipulate an existing font to make it look unique and interesting. We prefer sans serif fonts

    Reference Samplesļ¼š

  • C
    Client598786 years ago

    jaize is just invited to join this contest!

  • C
    Client598786 years ago
    Hi everyone, we are looking for something fresh and new, not just a variation of the designs that have already been submitted. Thanks! Again, as the notes say, if you could take the letters and make something creative out of them or do something unique to them that would be great. We aren’t a fan of the top third of the E’s being left out. Looking for more creative than that or than just small variations on what’s already been submitted. Thanks!
  • C
    Client598786 years ago
    Noblemen block with nail
  • C
    Client598786 years ago
    Here is a thought to the end of the course each guy drives a stake (actually a nail) into a block of wood that he is given as a reminder of the course. Consider incorporating this as a part of the logo or even into the word Noblemen.
  • Design Concepts Completed6 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 195 submissions from 44 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #218 by asyqh
    #216 by pencilhand
    #215 by denfransko
    #213 by ubai popi
    #211 by PMG
    #210 by jaize
    #209 by bluespix
    #195 by spiritz
    #191 by JessicaLopes
    #188 by MarkindDesign
    #185 by cintoko
    #181 by neonlamp
    #180 by akhi
    #176 by BeDesign
    #165 by PRN123
    #155 by kanal
    #153 by Kopiireng
    #150 by graphica
    #138 by Suvendu
    #137 by MUNAROH
    #135 by jetzu
    #128 by rief
    #127 by afra_art
    #123 by ammad
    #122 by goblin
    #120 by narnia
    #118 by AYATA
    #105 by rykos
    #103 by Gravity
    #98 by bricton
    #93 by shere
    #57 by samuraiXcreations
    #56 by Erasedink
    #38 by superiors
    #31 by onetm
    #25 by Girly
    #24 by naldart
    #23 by amar_mboiss
    #15 by johana
    #11 by sitizen
    #9 by lexipej
    #7 by oke2angconcept
    #3 by alby
    #2 by logitec
    ALL 195 Designs >
  • Design #99 by asyqh is declared WINNER!6 years ago
    #99 by asyqh
  • Client purchase design #210 from jaize6 years ago
    #210 by jaize
  • C
    Client598786 years ago

    $5 participation tip awarded to #170 by BeDesign

  • C
    Client598786 years ago

    $5 participation tip awarded to #205 by bluespix

  • C
    Client598786 years ago

    $25 participation tip awarded to #93 by shere

  • C
    Client598786 years ago

    $10 participation tip awarded to #197 by denfransko