- $100
- 15
- Design Name:
- HLWT Logo
- Instructions:
- Others(Front Door Vinyl)This contest is to put Vinyl on the front store windows of our building. The total window space is 18'w x 9'h. Our company logo needs to be included and anything to do with light bulbs, light fixtures, lighting. Words can be: "Lighting Experts", "Electrical Contractor", "Professional Installation", "Energy Efficient Retrofits", "LED Lighting", "LED Bulbs", "Wholesale LED Lighting" . Please design as you see fit. You don't have to use these words if you don't want to. This needs to stand out and be something that catches the eye of people walking and driving by.
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DreamLogoDesign is just invited to join this contest!
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ingepro is just invited to join this contest!
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shere is just invited to join this contest!
Open design concept stage had ended with 15 submissions from 5 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.
jaize is just invited to join this contest!