- $129
- 53
- Logo Name:
- LearnAid
- Company Intro:
- An online/e-learning course for students to recap and test their knowledge and skills learnt through a First Aid course.
- Instructions:
- If we could use icons/ graphics that combine medical and learning ie. a medical cross on a computer screen - highlighted in attached pdf with a yellow circle. I have included more logos that I like the look and style of. In terms of colours I like aqua/ turquoise and a darker blue or red and navy/indigo/dar blue. I prefer a rounded - modern-looking text for the logo and all lowercase letters or with the "L" and "A" as uppercase.
Reference Samples:
- plz rate & feedback on designs so we can work on. Thank u .
Open design concept stage had ended with 53 submissions from 20 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.