Entree Marketplace

visited this project
6 years ago
Entree Marketplace will be an online shopping mall website that website visitors will visit to go, click on a menu or directory on the home page, then that will take them to a different online store/website. Here are some example websites: https://www.louisianaonlinemall.com/ https://www.milliouni.com/ We need a logo that represents an online mall such as a pricetag or credit card terminal or shipping box or shopping bags or shopping cart or etc. We want to use colors white-black-chrome/silver, red-white-blue, or blue-yellow-white.
All Submissions103
#112 by crazher $99
#111 by crazher $99
#110 by crazher $99
#108 by Raden79 $99
#107 by Raden79 $99
#105 by kunejo $99
#104 by cayle $99
#103 by cayle $99
#100 by reight $99
#99 by reight $99
#96 by YONK $99
#95 by YONK $99
#93 by lexipej
#92 by lexipej
#91 by PMG $99
#90 by PMG $99
#89 by PMG $99
#88 by PMG $99
#87 by PMG $99
#86 by dibyo $99
#84 by dibyo $99
#65 by done $99
#64 by done $99
#63 by Kanya $99
#62 by Kanya $99
#60 by Dakon $99
#59 by Kanya $99
#58 by Kanya $99
#53 by czars $99
#52 by czars $99
#51 by czars $99
#49 by jaize $99
#45 by lexipej
#40 by MAXR $99
#39 by MAXR $99
#37 by rief $99
#36 by rief $99
#28 by yans $99
#27 by yans $99
#26 by yans $99
#20 by mckris $99
#12 by uttam $99
#11 by uttam $99
#10 by uttam $99
#3 by dewipadi