Texas Branding Idea

visited this project
6 years ago
DO NOT USE THE WORDS "TEXAS BRANDING IDEA" in the logo. That is just a figure of speech. I would like to build a logo design that incorporates the State of Texas. We are going to put this on a shirt an it must be unique! Please come up with creative ideas, slogan, sayings or include the word TEXAS. A few examples would be an image of the state of Texas with the word HOME in the middle, the state of Texas with a cowboy at hanging off the panhandle or an armadillo with a Texas flag throughout the body. It is all about the concept and creativity! The winner will get more chances at future designs. THINGS ASSOCIATED WITH TEXAS: Cowboys State Flag Tacos Armadillos Cowboy Hats Cowboy Boots Tequila Proud Southern Bulls & Cows Ranching
All Submissions53
#58 by shere
#57 by shere
#56 by shere
#55 by shere