- $148
- 205
- Logo Name:
- Premier Wellness
- Company Intro:
- Premier Wellness goes beyond conventional medicine & is the future of healthcare. Slogan: Where the science of medicine...meets the art of wellness.
- Instructions:
- We would like the logo to be horizontal & to have the words: Premier Wellness. We're looking for a logo that is clean, luxurious, brand-able. Attached our photos of Premier Wellness center & our current logo. The new logo does not have to resemble the current one at all. One design style we have thought of is a horizontal logo saying Premier Wellness with a cursive P behind the 2 words. We would like to see additional options though, we're open to all design ideas!
- DFor some reason these logos are just not telling me what this facility is all about. This location is an elegant, modern place of healing. Can you try depicting an image into the word Premier or Wellness similar to this logo. I don’t want an image of a runner in the logo but this is the idea. Perhaps a leaf or something that indicates WELL-BEING within the words. It can be subtle. Not cheesy. Must stay modern.
- D
Open design concept stage had ended with 205 submissions from 42 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.