We Know Vino or Sip and Savor

visited this project
6 years ago
We will be a distribution channel for a wine business. We need our name to be memorable so that our customers will continue to order from our website. Our primary means of sales will be through hosting wine tasting parties at peoples houses, or through online orders from friends and family. The wines we sell are “healthy” - no added sugars, mostly organic vineyards, low tannins and sulfites and no other preservatives.
  • Design Brief6 years ago
    Logo Name
    We Know Vino or Sip and Savor
    Company Intro
    We will be a distribution channel for a wine business. We need our name to be memorable so that our customers will continue to order from our website. Our primary means of sales will be through hosting wine tasting parties at peoples houses, or through online orders from friends and family. The wines we sell are “healthy” - no added sugars, mostly organic vineyards, low tannins and sulfites and no other preservatives.
    We need a versatile logo that can be used on business cards, stickers, stationary etc. We need versions in both full color and also have a one color black/white option for printing, and should be able to be legible as small as 1” x 1”.

    Reference Samples

  • kimora is selected as the contest finalist!6 years ago
  • oke2angconcept is selected as the contest finalist!6 years ago
  • mutafailan is selected as the contest finalist!6 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed6 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 85 submissions from 24 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #87 by mutafailan
    #83 by kimora
    #74 by oke2angconcept
    #52 by Mbezz
    #50 by gitzart
    #49 by giphone
    #44 by JessicaLopes
    #43 by akhi
    #42 by kunejo
    #41 by Roma
    #36 by MAXR
    #34 by LogOExperT
    #33 by CCyds
    #31 by bunda_shaquilla
    #30 by ElonStark
    #29 by done
    #17 by torresace
    #14 by avatar
    #12 by EkoBooM
    #10 by bricton
    #9 by akilis13
    #6 by johana
    #4 by dchris
    #1 by ohtani15
    ALL 85 Designs >
  • Design #86 by mutafailan is declared WINNER!6 years ago
    #86 by mutafailan
  • C
    Client620396 years ago
    How do I download the final files?