- $148
- 174
- Logo Name:
- Company Intro:
- We are into the Signage Business. We offer Design and Digital Printing Services. We make all sorts of Signs.
- Instructions:
- Our Tagline should be included with the logo : Kwality Product 2 Kwality Service Preferred Colours : We prefer Blueish Colours and combination of any other colour which matches with blue. You can use gradients effects as well. We DO NOT want Black colour in our logo. Logo should be Unique, Creative. We are open to every logo design which looks attractive and creative. We are looking for a logo, which should be a brand for us and people can easily recognise our logo. If you can use any creative font that will be good but please don't use regular daily used fonts. You don't have to follow sample logo images. You can create your own imaginative ideas to produce logos.
Reference Samples:
- C
- C
ingepro is just invited to join this contest!
- C
Kindo is just invited to join this contest!
Open design concept stage had ended with 174 submissions from 49 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.
akilis13 is just invited to join this contest!