Sell It With Sarge

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6 years ago
I don’t need a ton of work done. I had a logo created and I’m just not in love with the fact that it’s really someone else’s logo I took... I love retro logos. I love Americana logos. I am a realtor that found an idea and then had it implemented on fiverr and am semi happy with how it turned out BUT it’s practically stolen and it’s annoying me. I also am having trouble making it feel more inviting because of the color schematic of using an “army green” in it which makes it feel dark and less inviting. I showed the logo to some folks and they said ohh maybe make it red, white, and blue. But I’m not sure that would make it feel more welcoming. The guys face also as I love the retro-ness of it, doesn’t totally resemble me (although I guess it could) but I would like it to me a tad bit more like me while not losing any of its retro feel. Hopefully this makes sense haha. Task one: keep super retro ness feel, task two figure out how to make it feel more inviting, task three somehow keep it retro but look more like me. If you want to see the original inspiration for the logo google: up keep Charlie logo
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