- $129
- 71
- Logo Name:
- Everything Health Coach
- Company Intro:
- EverythingHealthCoach.com will be a website that helps aspiring health coaches launch their careers. It will contain lots of useful resources and product reviews related to health coaching. (Health coaches educate and support clients to achieve their health goals through lifestyle and behavior adjustments).
- Instructions:
- The logo should make good use of graphics. "Everything" could be a script font and "Health Coach" a block font (not mandatory though). I like logos that make clever use of negative space, but it's not mandatory. I also like logos that incorporate the font together with the graphic like the sample logos I've selected. Green should be the primary color.
Reference Samples:
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MAXR is just invited to join this contest!
Open design concept stage had ended with 71 submissions from 21 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.
- C
$5 participation tip awarded to #51 by gogo
shere is just invited to join this contest!