A New Way Counseling Services

visited this project
6 years ago
A mental health counseling service, that helps people to identify and learn to manage and cope with their emotions. It also teaches people how to learn to think in a new and different way in order to be more successful in their social and personal lives
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All Submissions75
#48 by Kindo $99
#42 by jaize $99
#41 by jaize $99
#38 by Kindo $99
#18 by KHAI $99
#17 by KHAI $99
#16 by KHAI $99
#15 by KHAI $99
#8 by Kindo $99
#7 by Kindo $99
#6 by Kindo $99
#5 by Kindo $99
#4 by Kindo $99
#3 by Kindo $99
#2 by Kindo $99
#1 by Kindo $99