- $200
- 29
- Design Name:
- Trek-n-Travel
- Instructions:
- Business CardFront of the card:Front of the card is up to the creativity of the designer. FYI we are a European / Russian Travel Agency dealing with trekking and hiking tours in Russia (Kamchatka is our main business, then Altai, Siberia, Urals and Murmansk). Our customers are from Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. Language: English Back of the card:on the backside should be the following informations, the rest is up to your creativity OOO Trek-n-Travel Natalia Nekhaeva, Executive Director Leningradskoye Shosse 36k2, Office 183 125212 Moscow Russian Federation Tel. 7 (968) 086 5553 info@trek-n-travel.com www.trek-n-travel.com Letterhead & EnvelopeThis is also up to your creativity. I am not kidding, what you have to add into the letterhead is the following (yes, it has to be in cyrillic as the authorities demand that and it has to be in the order as mentioned below. Line by line it has to be like that) ООО Трек-н-Трэвел 125212, Москва, Ленинградское шоссе, д36, к2, офис 183 ИНН/КПП 7743231875/774301001 ОКПО 20067294, ОГРН 5177746159025 тел. 7 (968) 086 5553 , info@trek-n-travel.com --- Update: 2019-03-30 17:24:11 ---Some designers got it wrong. The FYI was a information for the designers so that they know what we are dealing with
Open design concept stage had ended with 29 submissions from 6 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.