- $100
- 29
- Design Name:
- Brokerage Logo
- Instructions:
- Others(Subdivision Garage Sale Sign)Trying to create a Subdivision Garage Sale sign to put around my town to advertise a sponsored Garage Sale. The name of the Subdivision is Silver Lake Estates. I want to do a spot on the sign for a date and time. Currently the Date is June 8th starting at 7am however I want the sign to last several years so making sure the sign has a spot with the June 8th date and time but for the date and time to be able to be covered with a sticker instead of getting new signs is essential.
- Do you have the sign dimension?
- Subdivision Yard Sale or Subdivision Garage Sale would be best. I don't have dimension of a sign at this point I could go with anything.
Open design concept stage had ended with 29 submissions from 5 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.