Standing on the Rock or Dancing in the Rain

visited this project
6 years ago
Looking for a logo for a women's retreat.
  • Design Brief6 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Standing on the Rock or Dancing in the Rain
    Company Intro:
    Looking for a logo for a women's retreat.
    Looking for a logo that invokes deep meaning. My feet are on the Rock - something that shows a person praying or calm on a rock surrounded by a storm. or, Dancing in the Rain - flooded by joy...maybe opening herself to the rain falling down and soaking it in.

    Reference Samples:

  • C
    Client645436 years ago
    looking for visual impact, more than words
  • C
    Client645436 years ago
    I'm so sorry but can we change the wording to say "My feet are on the Rock!"?
  • C
    Client645436 years ago
    Thank you for the variety of designs! You are really helping me to narrow down exactly what it is that I'm looking for in this logo. I still haven't decided which theme I'm going with yet, but I'm loving both of them. For the Rock logo, I'm looking to portray the idea that God is our Rock, our firm foundation, our peace and our place of safety in the midst of life's storms. Some of these are close, and some almost seem to dare God to "Bring it on" and that's NOT what I want. With the Dancing in the rain one I'm looking to portray the idea of God's grace pouring down on us and we want to dance for joy in the downpour. Hope this helps. Keep up the great ideas. You all are so talented!
  • DreamLogoDesign is selected as the contest finalist!6 years ago
  • MonkDesign is selected as the contest finalist!6 years ago
  • fries is selected as the contest finalist!6 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed6 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 90 submissions from 12 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #93 by DreamLogoDesign is declared WINNER!6 years ago
  • C
    Client645436 years ago

    $5 participation tip awarded to #83 by MonkDesign

  • C
    Client645436 years ago

    $15 participation tip awarded to #78 by fries