PawnshopKing & Jewelry

visited this project
6 years ago
Offers pawn lending, money payment, and remittance services to clients. We accept jewellery and electronic gadgets as collateral. Our main business is also selling jewelries.
  • Design Brief6 years ago
    Logo Name:
    PawnshopKing & Jewelry
    Company Intro:
    Offers pawn lending, money payment, and remittance services to clients. We accept jewellery and electronic gadgets as collateral. Our main business is also selling jewelries.
    The letter "P" in the word PawnshopKing should be the logo. Also, we would like to build a brand that helps lives. Thus, a logo inside the letter P that integrates that symbol. We already have a font and color. Please see attached photos. We also have an existing company (Kaagapay Pawnshop) that we would like to pattern our logo with. Please see attached pictures. We would like a similar logo of the "K" which is two hands holding together that symbolizes helping each other.
  • R
    rob.dtorres056 years ago
    Thank you guys for joining!
  • R
    rob.dtorres056 years ago
    Maybe we can incorporate something like this in the "P".
  • R
    rob.dtorres056 years ago
    Guys we are also considering a crown logo on the P. Thanks.
  • HanSolo is selected as the contest finalist!6 years ago
  • scolessi is selected as the contest finalist!6 years ago
  • AisRafa is selected as the contest finalist!6 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed6 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 168 submissions from 46 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #168 by ElonStark
    #159 by AisRafa
    #142 by graphicstar
    #132 by mutafailan
    #130 by scolessi
    #129 by zakdesign700
    #125 by Wwebelegantdesign
    #119 by avatar
    #117 by opi11
    #112 by qqdesigns
    #110 by kunejo
    #107 by yunda
    #105 by YONK
    #103 by done
    #102 by Rossee
    #100 by Greenlight
    #93 by giphone
    #90 by Eliben
    #89 by J0s3Ph
    #85 by berkahnenen
    #80 by jaize
    #74 by BeDesign
    #72 by torresace
    #71 by art-design
    #68 by gitzart
    #67 by usef44
    #64 by aura
    #63 by gogo
    #58 by daywalker
    #57 by aldesign
    #49 by semar
    #47 by mbamboex
    #46 by Mahrein
    #41 by axel182
    #32 by dibyo
    #30 by RIANW
    #28 by shravya
    #21 by haze
    #17 by evdesign
    #15 by cahyobragas
    #10 by Barkah
    #8 by johana
    #7 by DDiancox
    #4 by beejo
    #3 by wongndeso
    #2 by dewipadi
    ALL 168 Designs >
  • Design #163 by ElonStark is declared WINNER!6 years ago
    #163 by ElonStark
  • R
    rob.dtorres056 years ago
    Please send the revised raw files.