Carruthers Capital

visited this project
5 years ago
THE Financial Advisor for ranchers Investment, Insurance, complete boutique style financial services We are ranchers and Financial advisors both, wanting to really combine both of our businesses clients together.
  • Design Brief6 years ago
    Logo Name
    Carruthers Capital
    Company Intro
    THE Financial Advisor for ranchers Investment, Insurance, complete boutique style financial services We are ranchers and Financial advisors both, wanting to really combine both of our businesses clients together.
    Classic, Rustic, cowboy, western

    Reference Samples

  • Client653696 years ago
    Coming down to the wire... Anymore last minute changes or submissions?
  • Client653696 years ago
    bull and bear I like the color scheme and how the markets are represented. the color contrast as well.
  • Client653696 years ago
    So as we have been thinking about the design. We really want something different from a traditional ranch logo, which we hope can be changed with the color scheme and edginess of the, design. But would also like to make sure that the markets are well represented as well as the cowboy. We like the idea of the cowboy being part of the line that represents the markets or somehow it kinda interrupting the "natural flow" of markets or in between the bull and bear. It is quite unique to be a rancher and and financial advisor and we do want the combo to represented and kinda loud. We would all like to see something like the boots and hat.
  • Client653696 years ago
    I want you all to feel encouraged that we really like the designs that we have so far, but feel they more representative of our ranch and have had a couple days to really think about what might help our unique combo stand out.
  • Client653696 years ago
    thank you all for your hard work and continuing to help us get this right!!
  • Client653696 years ago
    I would like a cowboy hat that looks more like this one.
  • Client653696 years ago
    Or I would like a hat that looks like this with out the feather.
  • Client653696 years ago
    Forget the variegated color and the orange, pink, purple notes. Thanks for entertaining our thoughts. (We were not hacked, my business partner is teasing me because we have both been working on this and he did not like my “bright idea”- sorry and thanks again) pay attention to the notes on the individual designs we mentioned. We’d like just a hat and for you guys to help us come up with the best color scheme or contrast. We like blacks, greys, browns, coper, olive green, sage, rust, green... We do think we’re getting closer! Thanks for sticking with us.
  • Client653696 years ago
    Thank you everyone for working on our design to help us get one we loved! We appreciate you.
  • Design Concepts Completed6 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 220 submissions from 25 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #226 by wongndeso
    #224 by CreativeMania
    #220 by uttam
    #100 by Ultimatum
    #95 by ubai popi
    #90 by jaize
    #89 by torresace
    #78 by giphone
    #66 by done
    #64 by Panara
    #58 by checx
    #54 by Franky.
    #52 by narnia
    #51 by asyqh
    #50 by jancok
    #43 by savana
    #37 by ndaru
    #28 by rezadesign
    #27 by ElonStark
    #26 by cimot
    #17 by Project48
    #15 by Eko_Kurniawan
    #13 by logitec
    #11 by cikiyunn
    #10 by amar_mboiss
    ALL 220 Designs >
  • Design #222 by wongndeso is declared WINNER!6 years ago
    #222 by wongndeso