- $198
- 138
- Logo Name:
- Music Lab
- Company Intro:
- We build new features to our Music Streaming service
- Instructions:
- UPDATE: We call ourselves "Labsters" so word-game with "Lobster" could be funny. There are already some concepts around that. The slogan could be "Lobsters - Music bitten into your ears" !!! It might be on edge of Music and Software. Ideally it will be WITTY, GOOD MOOD, RELAXED, BOLD, showing high SELF-ESTEEM. it should be SIMPLE and EASY TO REMEMBER. Rather vivid colors like pink kiwi in the selection but only if it fits to your concept. Not a must but advantage would be a 'extensibility' as actually we have multiple 'Labs' or "Laboratories' so if for example music symbol replaced with film symbol it could be logo for sister "Film Lab" complany. When googling 'music lab logo' images, we might have picked these: - https://www.brandcrowd.com/gallery/brands/pictures/picture1325151807743.png - https://creativebonito.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Music-Monkey-Logo.jpg - https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/img/experiments/thumbanil_rhythm.jpg - https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQJSv7eqSjWKSBR_4N00HK8GR7QMBcjg8htrnoUValdXsmVTMT6lA - https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/696197186334228480/u8ZYAUER_400x400.png - https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/music-lab-logo-vector-icon-element-template-company-143985368.jpg - https://graphicriver.img.customer.envatousercontent.com/files/121174683/Music Lab Preview.jpg?auto=format&q=80&fit=crop&crop=top&max-h=8000&max-w=590&s=97bdea5b7ae23310c6d73f651453a6f7
Reference Samples:
Open design concept stage had ended with 138 submissions from 30 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.