- $90
- 1
- Logo Name:
- Pet Lover
- Company Intro:
- This is a fashion pet store....
- Instructions:
- I like paws in the background / sea bubbles... One of the font style i like are on the little petshop logo
- A
- GI need to include on the logo something to let the customer know that we sell fishes too.
Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.
Here are some helpful tips to get the most out of your design project:
1. Please leave feedback directly on the designs to guide the designers in the right direction
2. Eliminate designs that you are “not interested”
3. Please score designs between 1 and 100(best) to help designers know your preferences.
We want you to get the best possible design for your business. Thank you for choosing 48HoursLogo.com