Southern Belles Cleaning

visited this project
5 years ago
Digital DesignCUSTOMFeatured
  • Design Brief5 years ago
    Design Name:
    Southern Belles Cleaning
    Others(Flyer/Postcard (5.5 "x 8.5")i would like u to put on my flyer/postcard, if u can take the picture i provided of my self and somehow animate it to me cleaning .if u could also i would like it to list my services provided, weekly, by-weekly, monthly, providing surface cleaning, Deep Cleaning, move-in/move-out cleaning could u also add my business card information including my slogan. can u please include free estimates by my phone number --- Update: 2019-11-30 20:00:28 ---On the back of the flyer I would like a 10% off coupon for initial clean
  • C
    Client685945 years ago
    How about this yall
  • C
    Client685945 years ago
    How about we use this image
  • C
    Client685945 years ago
    Let's do open design,
  • Realistis is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • Frenic is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • bulatITA is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed5 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 44 submissions from 4 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #42 by bulatITA is declared WINNER!5 years ago
    #42 by bulatITA