We are an integrated unique team of like minded professionals from different fields of health services, coming together for the first time in India,Asia.
''We Wake'' is the logo name that must come with the logo which we have added/ submitted. as the name suggests, it carries the essence of our team, awakening and enlightening all dimensions of health
Our aim is to treat ailments and diseases focusing on the root cause, which we believe is emotional dysfunctions.
We four -A Physical Therapist (Integrated Physiotherapy), A Homeopath, A Nutritionist & A Yoga Teacher.
In short, you can call it an amalgamation of energy and medicine therapeutically blended to deliver the real human being.
We aim to work on the well being of six dimensions of health, Physical, Social, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Environmental.
what we want from designer:
to keep the logo same , and frame the word ''WE WAKE'' somewhere nicely or come up with some more ideas with other logos.
Reference Samples:
Design Concepts Completed5 years ago
Open design concept stage had ended with 26 submissions from 11 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.