Rural Education and Agriculture Development Organization (READO)

visited this project
3 months ago
Founded in 2008, Rural Education and Agriculture Development Organization (READO) is a leading non-governmental organization in Somalia, which, implements emergency aid intervention and development programs. Independent, private and not-for-profit, READO respects a strict political and religious impartiality, operating according to principles of rigorous transparency. Since 2008, READO has been responding to the multiple shocks facing Somalia, through the implementation of emergency response and resilience-building programs, targeting mainly destitute agro-pastoral, riverine and IDP communities in Somalia with funding from various international partners. Currently, READO programs in Somalia focus on building capacity to respond to emergency outbreaks, as well as improving livelihoods/Food Security, Good Governance/ROL, WASH, Protection, Durable Solutions and Reintegration, Rural & Urban Livelihood, Education, peacebuilding & Conflict resolutions and Youth Programs on vocational skill training (Youth at Risk), Vission:- READO is a non-profit humanitarian aid organization with a vision to bring humanitarian assistance to vulnerable people in danger of natural and human-induced disasters
  • Design Brief5 years ago
    Design Name:
    Rural Education and Agriculture Development Organization (READO)
    Letterhead & EnvelopeI need Developed Letter Head and Envelope
  • R
    READO5 years ago
    I want to add T-shirt- and Business Card,
  • Soufiane is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • Soufiane5 years ago
    hi sir (contest holder), it's a pleasure working with you, can you please provide us with some feedback in order to enhance the quality of our work to better satisfy your needs. thank you.
  • R
    READO5 years ago
    Staff ID Card Design
  • Design Concepts Completed5 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 67 submissions from 9 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #67 by Soufiane
    #49 by Frenic
    #45 by labo
    #44 by zakdesign700
    #40 by Boomstudioz
    #35 by Gelotine
    #32 by berkahnenen
    #24 by mletus
    #13 by fritsB
    ALL 67 Designs >
  • Design #36 by Boomstudioz is declared WINNER!5 years ago
  • Client purchase design #6 from Boomstudioz5 years ago
  • Client purchase design #62 from Soufiane5 years ago
    #62 by Soufiane
  • R
    READO5 years ago
    Dear Sir I need word-version for the heading letter, plz share with me ASAP
  • R
    READO5 years ago
    Dear Boomstudioz Please share with me Heading letter for Word-Version Plz Its Urgent
  • R
    READO5 years ago
    Dear Admin/48hrs Logo It's incomplete and not included for the heading letter. and I need and requested again to share with me as Word Version for heading letter and business card, Please, it's urgent I checked all of the non-word version for heading letter Looking forward to your feedback- Abdullahi