Vegas Computer Tech

visited this project
5 years ago
Computer & Phone Repair, Smart Home Automation, Business IT Solutions.
  • Design Brief5 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Vegas Computer Tech
    Company Intro:
    Computer & Phone Repair, Smart Home Automation, Business IT Solutions.
    Purple is #6302b3 Blue #1fc3ff Would like logo to show a custom character or image that screams Computer repair (like below sample for TECHS R US), laptop, Las Vegas skyline (if possible), and keeping with the branded colors of silver, purple and blue. Would like for character or logo to easily pop on marketing items and for possible franchise branding. View website under construction in which logo must fit theme. VEGASCOMPUTERTECH.COM Thank you in advance for your entries.

    Reference Samples:

  • C
    Client704655 years ago
    Will be printed on black background on web and cards, also black polo shirts for uniform. Please add an outline around anything that will be flush black to black so logo still can be seen.
  • jaize is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • DreamLogoDesign is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • MAXR is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • C
    Client704655 years ago
    Look forward to the final changes.
  • Design Concepts Completed5 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 46 submissions from 9 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #50 by DreamLogoDesign
    #44 by jaize
    #36 by kunejo
    #24 by semar
    #23 by restuti
    #21 by naldart
    #19 by MAXR
    #15 by AamirKhan
    #6 by megalogos
    ALL 46 Designs >
  • Design #50 by DreamLogoDesign is declared WINNER!5 years ago