Transparent Solutions, Inc.

visited this project
5 years ago
A real estate investment company that creates solutions for buyers and sellers in a pinch. The goal is fast service and information a layman can comprehend clearly. No secrets, embarrassment or drama.
  • Design Brief5 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Transparent Solutions, Inc.
    Company Intro:
    A real estate investment company that creates solutions for buyers and sellers in a pinch. The goal is fast service and information a layman can comprehend clearly. No secrets, embarrassment or drama.
    I don't function well within confined limits; therefore, I offer free range of creativity. As a minority business owner (via gender and ethnicity), I welcome bold suggestions. However, I do not want to lose the primary goals in the title: Transparency and Solutions. I do not oppose initialing the logo with TSI or anything unique and clever. I have free-handed designs and sketches, but none of them are good enough to compete with true talent. I did not upload them as I do not want to restrict or taint the minds of artists. Any of the following color schemes are interesting, but there is not one set just yet: plum (royal purple) and gold (metallic); purple and turquoise; black and gold; or any colors associated with "trust." Thank you for digitizing this with your expert minds.

    Reference Samples:

  • C
    Client718065 years ago
    Wow! There's so much talent here. You all are making the selections so difficult. VERY attractive work! Keep them coming.
  • Design Concepts Completed5 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 187 submissions from 47 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #199 by maspion
    #197 by yunda
    #196 by violin
    #193 by amsol
    #183 by denfransko
    #182 by goblin
    #175 by zinnia
    #172 by vostre
    #168 by asyqh
    #167 by cintoko
    #165 by menanagan
    #162 by aflah
    #156 by done
    #153 by protein
    #150 by y7ce
    #141 by ohtani15
    #138 by puthreeone
    #133 by scolessi
    #128 by niwre
    #125 by Rock
    #124 by ingepro
    #121 by uyoxsoul
    #120 by Logoways
    #118 by DeyXyner
    #116 by cikiyunn
    #112 by Ganyu
    #110 by ManusiaBaja
    #108 by aryamaity
    #107 by rief
    #101 by yans
    #97 by cintya
    #95 by haidar
    #92 by langitBiru
    #89 by Coolwanz
    #83 by blessings
    #81 by pel4ngi
    #77 by Landung
    #76 by artery
    #75 by RIANW
    #74 by maserik
    #69 by BintangDesign
    #68 by Adundas
    #51 by Msinur
    #47 by bricton
    #16 by .::ngamaz::.
    #14 by p0peye
    #10 by BrainStorming
    ALL 187 Designs >
  • Design #103 by maspion is declared WINNER!5 years ago
    #103 by maspion
  • C
    Client718065 years ago
    The contest winner sent me a message, but I am unable to reply. Please send the following message: Yes. I received your message. I would like to see this same design with the top (house and word "TRANSPARENT") enlarged...while leaving the words "SOLUTIONS, INC" the same size or making them slightly requested before selecting you as the winner. Thank you!"
  • C
    Client718065 years ago
    Salutations! Maspion uploaded design he labeled as #199, yet that item is not showing as the winner and it is not the image showing up in the Copywrite Agreement. Are you able to assist with this matter? Respectfully. Thank you!
  • C
    Client718065 years ago
    My apologies. The correct verbiage is the "Logo Transfer Agreement."