- $198
- 571
- Logo Name:
- Rights for Nature
- Company Intro:
- This is a logo for a movement behind the idea of Rights for Nature. I want the target audience to literally be the entire world. If we are going to prevent the 6th mass extinction we need to restructure the way our defense of wildlife and nature can be implemented. One of the first steps we are taking currently as part of the Rights for Nature movement is passing a law in Panama that recognizes Nature's rights. Background (from www.leatherbackproject.org): "At The Leatherback Project, we have gained a new perspective on what needs to be the basis of the change we need to see globally for the environment if we are to not only accomplish the seventeen #SustainableDevelopmentGoals2030 but also find balance as a species on Earth and make peace with nature…. Globally, we need to establish #RightsforNature. Ecuador and Bolivia are the only two countries that have established Rights for Nature in their constitutions, but other countries (New Zealand, Canada, India, etc.) have documented legal cases, particularly pertaining to indigenous groups and lands, where the rights of various bodies of nature have been recognized. Indigenous groups have been upholding and fighting for the rights for nature for generations. Our Founder and Executive Director, Callie Veelenturf, wrote an resolution for the Rights for Nature with the hope that one or several of the member states will decide to sponsor it (or an iteration of it) for the agenda of the UN General Assembly in September 2021. The Leatherback Project is currently working with Panamanian government officials to develop a Rights for Nature law and constitutional amendment. There is simply no more time waste. We must take drastic action to protect the planet and it needs to happen at a pace much faster than the typical rate of change of society. Let’s go humans."
- Instructions:
- I am thinking of a logo that is simple enough to be drawn on posters, flags, hands, etc. as part of a movement but also complicated enough to have self explanatory meaning. I want to create something that everyone can get behind. I really like the idea of: 1. ***All social movements are symbols in a circle. I like this with blue on top and green on the bottom. It is a congruency symbol*** 2. Combining an endangered animal (leaning towards elephant or whale) and a tree or a leaf like the images pasted below. I like the examples I chose are also somewhat circular. (3) I like the idea of using the R and N as the logo as well. The R is in black and blue (or just blue) and the N in black and green (or just green?), It’s both R and N. This is a cool idea! I don’t want it to look to militaristic though. (4)I like the idea of having a face front elephant it’s trunk either a little shorter than this or off to the side. I like this because it is fierce and confrontational. Rights for Nature is a serious business and I don’t want the logo to seem cute. The ears aren’t accurate on this elephant, but otherwise I like it. The R/N combination could go to the right side of the elephant. WWF logo for style. I like the silhouette logo style.
Reference Samples:
- Hello! I have decided to go away from the blue and green colors and stick with more modern branding of just one color and the symbol. I chose this shade of turquoise (please excuse my horrible logo design!). I am goin going for the style of branding from the Sunrise Movement (yellow and dark grey) and Extinction Rebellion (green and black) that are very clean. I would like the logo to be able to be used black on turquoise and turquoise on black. As well as in black and white. I want a strong font but haven't found one that I really love yet. I want to make sure the congruency symbol is clear! Thank you so much for your time and help. This movement means the world to me and I just want it to be a success. I think with proper branding and thought it will be!
Open design concept stage had ended with 571 submissions from 53 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.
- congrats blue. -) kind regards.
- Thank you coolwanz.